
As part of its mission, GRAADA is currently conducting several research projects. 

To participate in one of these projects, you can find information under the Participant recruitment tab.

The stakes of police intervention for autistic people and their families

Lead researcher: Marie-Hélène Ayotte (UQAT)

Co-researchers: C. des Rivières-Pigeon (UQAM) and M-H. Poulin (UQAT)

Funding: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) - Insight Development

Duration: 2020-2023

Speech Diversity

Lead researcher: Stéphanie-M. Fecteau (UQO)

Co-researchers:  V. Desroches, É. Désy-Massé, L. Guerrero, C. L. Normand (UQO), G. Normandeau, M.-H. Poulin (UQAT), S. Turgeon (UQO)

Funding: Institutional funds for the development of research and creation at UQO

Duration: 2022-2023

Tell me what stresses you out and we'll make it a virtual reality

Lead researcher: Stéphanie-M. Fecteau (UQO)

Co-researchers: C. L. Normand (UQO), A.-M. Crétu (UQO), A.-A. Parent (UQAR) et D. Lussier-Desrochers (UQTR)

Funding: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)

Duration: 2022-2023

My stress is your stress

Lead researchers: Stéphanie-M. Fecteau (UQO) et Marion Desmarchelier (UdeM)

Funding: Institutional funds for the development of research and creation at UQO - Audacity section

Duration: 2023-2025

Optimizing the use of mobile technologies to support the residential autonomy of people with autism spectrum disorder

Lead researcher: Martin Caouette (UQTR)

Co-researchers: Couture, M. (UdeS), Grandisson, M. (ULaval), Lanovaz, M. (UdeM), Poulin, M.-H. (UQAT)

Funding: Ministry of Health and Social Services

Duration: 2021-2023

Autism Continuum: understanding the social service needs of autistic adults and developing collaborative support practices across the service continuum

Lead researchers: Marie-Hélène Poulin (UQAR), Marie-Hélène Morin (UQAR)

Co-researchers: A., Valderrama, C. Bardon, C. Normand, G. Iarocci, I. Courcy, J. Weiss, M. Désormeaux-Moreau, M. Caouette, M. Couture, M. Perreault, M. Rousseau, N. L'Espérance, S.-M. Fecteau, S. Mckinnon

Funding: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)

Duration: 2021-2029